Di seguito alcuni link ad articoli selezionali fino al 19 marzo 2020
- AI marketing. Capire l’intelligenza artificiale per coglierne le opportunità, Alessio Semoli, 2019
- Come creare esperienze di IA di valore per i consumatori e i brand, tre consigli da OMD
- How much longer will we trust Google’s search results?
- Meet your artificial intelligence powered songwriting assistant. Quickly create unlimited song sketches on the go for free.
- Neurotic marketing: così la politica ci manipola sfruttando le nostre nevrosi
- New “Off-Facebook Activity” portal lets you know where you’re being followed It’s helpful to know which businesses track you, but you can’t do much about it.
- Project Witness: Can VR create empathy? – YouTube
- Project Witness: Can VR create empathy? “We’ve allowed our most vulnerable children to be thrown away, to be traumatized and to be locked up in these jails and prisons, and we’ve got to change this narrative that some children aren’t children.”
- This hour-long Splatoon concert features holographic squid kids
- Vincenzo Morabito: l’intelligenza artificiale e il Neuromarketing per conoscere e comprendere le emozioni dei clienti
Foto di Kaboompics .com da Pexels